Perfect Saddle Fore Aft finalization 77389

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3 Responses

  1. Paul Ilunga Paul Ilunga says:

    I have watched this video several times. Every time I review it, I learn something new. To me, it’s great reference video to have if you serious cyclist. Kudos to z8eldred for keeping cyclist around Houston area informed. Keep those videos coming!

    • Z8eldred Z8eldred says:

      Bike fit is really a dynamic thing since the body can change over time. There are so many variables involved which is why I am not surprised that you are still finding things. I learn new things myself all the time. This is all the more reason to keep listening to what your body tells you and never think your fit is set in stone. Keep putting in the miles.

  2. Paul Ilunga Paul Ilunga says:

    All time favorite video to watch. It addresses the little things that most cyclist over look about perfect fit. I understand there’s always room to improve one’s fit. However, to dialing you fit like a pro, you cannot over look the details pointed out by Z8Eldred in this video. I’ve improved on my fit by paying close attention to what my body tells me while I am riding easy or hard. I would call him up and address the issue immediately while it’s fresh on my mind. Excellent video!

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