Saddle Bags
Saddle Bags
Saddle bags are an important accessory for any cyclist who plans to ride for an appreciable amount of time. Are they necessary or do the lose points on being cool?
My issue with most saddle bags is that the attachment can ruin your shorts. Some saddle bags have a strap that attaches to the seat post of your frame and will rub the inside of your shorts. This is caused by any exposed velcro on the strap the wraps around the seat post.
So with the right choice, they are a very useful accessory. I am talking about the ones that are sized to take the essentials, not unwieldy large.
- Set it and forget it operation if you get the right bag
- Spare kit is always with your bike
- Frees your pockets for carrying other gear
- Bags with no seat post strap do not ruin your shorts
- May rub and ruin your cycling shorts
- Too large a bag may affect the handling and feel of your bike if not attached properly