Remote bike fit assistance
Remote bike fit assistance by a Professional master bike fitter rules out the trial and error of DIY unassisted fits that can take decades to get right and sometimes never in remote bike fit service. If you’re not comfortable using limited time and want to work with a more flexible schedule, consider using our online DIY Bike fit Guide for a small fee.
Remote Bike fit assistance is an emerging science that combines cycling fundamentals with the fields of biomechanics and physiology. In other words, you can’t just eyeball the seat height, throw on a pair of shoes and take off, which is why you need remote bike fit assistance.
We use our remote bike fit assistance service to guide you in properly executing your DIY fit.
In our studio for all remote bike fit assistance services, we focus on what most fitters tend to ignore:
- correct saddle fore/aft position
- the correct length and angled stem
- right shape and size of handlebar
- the proper bar tilt/rotation
- the correct location of the brake levers on the handlebars
- Correct cleat fore/aft position and its rotation, tilt and stance width
Our ultimate result between the bike and your connection points is to make the bicycle disappear. Once you no longer notice the bike and the only thing on your mind is your ride, the scenery, and/or company, then you have a good bike fit. Similarly, while a bike racer may not care about the scenery, they do care how fast they are going and their position in the field. When a bike racer is not conscious about their bike (it disappears) they are experiencing a great bike fit.
Tools Needed
**(Shown in product Gallery images)
- Stationary Indoor Trainer to mount your bicycle (*rollers will not work)
- 12 or 24inch Ruler with bubble Level with to measure Inseam & saddle tilt (*24inch preferred)
- Metal Tape Measure in centimeter and inches
- 4, 5, or 6mm Allen Keys for saddle and stem adjustments. Longer Allen key preferred. (* You may need to T25/T30 Torx Allen key based on the bolts use on your bike stem and clamp.)
*Note: Our remote bike fit assistance service is guidance provided for the allotted purchased time. It is possible that you may need more than one session to complete your entire fit. Please fill out the questionnaire thoroughly to maximize your collaboration time. Additional sessions have to be booked independently and will be discounted for future remote bike service. *Request your discount code for future sessions.
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