Effective Cycling Coaching – 77389


Effective Cycling coaching at Veloharmony, provides periodization training plans for local and remote cyclists of all levels,  dealing with the entire person and not just athletic training.

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Get Faster now with a package that suits your budget. Plans are sold in 12-week blocks. 

Silver Fitness Life and cycling Coaching Performance Package:

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Gold Fitness Life Coaching Performance Package:

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Platinum Fitness Life Coaching Performance Package:

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**We recommend the use of a power meter where possible, but at least a Heart Rate Monitor and an indoor trainer to keep the training effective and consistent. After  purchasing your plan below, go to the subscribers only section at the bottom of this page and submit your coaching questionnaire. 

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cycling coaching

Fitness, life and Cycling Coaching

Fitness life cycling coaching at Veloharmony, provides periodization cycling training plans and cycling coaching services for local and remote cyclists of all levels.

If you are tired of simply riding hard all the time to get in shape and not reaching your goals, Veloharmony’s Cycling Coaching Houston is the first step in your journey to fully realizing your goals.

People take their training to the next level by working with me personally to reach their optimum potential.

In that case, booking a coaching subscription package below is the best way to reach your cycling potential through structured periodized training developed specifically, to help you achieve your goals.

We assist riders that want to improve performance, lose weight, avoid getting dropped by the group at your level and whatever your goals may be.

We address diet, weight loss, endurance and fitness improvements.

We deal with but are not limited to:

  • Weight Loss
  • Weight Management
  • Increase Fitness
  • Increase Endurance
  • Improving your Diet

Get Faster now with a cycling training package that suits your budget.

Silver Fitness Life and cycling Coaching Performance Package:

  • 15-minute One-on one coaching session strategy session, to understand your fitness background, current goals, strengths and weaknesses, and your availability to train consistently.
  • Receive a Threshold Test for training zone derivation
  • Receive a Custom Weekly Training Program 14 days after the results of your threshold test, based on your goals submitted in Online Coaching Questionnaire and details from the coaching strategy session.
  • Sign up for Cycling Consultation at 15% discount as needed after delivery of training program to help you understand or modify your training with code received with your training package.
  • Assessment after your first 8-week training block. (*request connection with ‘Veloharmony on Garmin Connect or request to follow Veloharmony on Strava after signup to allow us access to your training data)

Gold Fitness Life Coaching Performance Package:

  • 30-minute One-on one coaching session strategy session, to understand your fitness background, current goals, strengths and weaknesses, and your availability to train consistently.
  • Receive a Threshold Test for training zone derivation
  • Receive a Custom Weekly Training Program 10 days after the results of your threshold test, based on your goals submitted in Online Coaching Questionnaire and details from the coaching strategy session.
  • Monthly Cycling Consultation after delivery of training program to help you understand or modify your training plan.
  • Assessment after your first 6-week training block. (*request connection with ‘Veloharmony on Garmin Connect or request to follow Veloharmony on Strava after signup to allow us access to your training data)

Platinum Fitness Life Coaching Performance Package:

  • 30-minute One-on one coaching session strategy session and a bike ride for local users, to understand your fitness background, current goals, strengths and weaknesses, and your availability to train consistently.
  • Receive a Threshold Test for training zone derivation
  • Receive a Custom Weekly Training Program 7 days after the results of your threshold test, based on your goals submitted in Online Coaching Questionnaire and details from the coaching strategy session.
  • Bi-Monthly Cycling Consultation after delivery of training program to help you understand or modify your training plan.
  • Assessment after each 4-week training block. (*request connection with ‘Veloharmony on Garmin Connect or request to follow Veloharmony on Strava after signup to allow us access to your training data)

Plan Design

Your plan is designed using either your threshold heart rate, or Functional Threshold power (FTP), as a guide that gives specific workouts based on the time of year broken up into 6-week Macro Cycles and Weekly Micro cycles.

Macro cycles will have workouts for offseason and In- season and within those cycles, you’ll have workouts for each day of the week (microcycle).

The plans are based on time and thus we will need to know how many hours you have to devote to cycling  for the week broken up in to each day of the week.

E.g.  M. 1hr Tue. 2hrs Wed..0hrs Thurs 2hrs Fri 1hr Sat 3hrs Sun 2 hrs

Please allow  ample time  for the creation of your custom training plan while we:

  • setup you data in our system after receiving your completed coaching questionnaire submission
  • await the results of your threshold test which is sent out during this period

Training Plan

All Programs include specific workouts with duration, intensity and frequency tailored to meet each rider’s goals, plus periodic progress reviews.

One on One detailed coaching plans guidance  and follow-up.
  1. How to properly execute each workout that will make you a better rider
  2. The proper way to get your body in shape for cycling
  3. Ride with a purpose and what it takes to improve

After subscribing, submit your Coaching Questionnaire below to enable us to build your training plan based on six week macro cycles.

***This Section for Paid Subscribers only***

Coaching Questionaire
Choose the goals most important to you, so we can build you the right plan to achieve.
State what you'd like to achieve in cycling and provide any additional information which may not have been in the checklist above, that you think will help in creation of your plan.
Choose the kind of cycling you plan to do. If necessary, provide additional details in the comments section below.
Let us know what tools you currently train with.
If you do not know your average cadence and you want to train with a cadence meter, leave the default form value and we can test for it later
If you do not know your FTHR and you want to, or currently train with a heart rate monitor; leave a comment to that effect.
If you do not know your FTP and you want to, or currently train with a Power meter; leave a comment to that effect.
lbs or kg
Ft, in or cm
State any current issue(s) with your bike fit, that may need to be addressed prior to starting the training program.
If you don’t have an indoor trainer I highly recommend that you get one, as it helps keep your workout consistent when the weather doesn’t cooperate or when you have a busy day and don’t want to dress up and go out, or if it’s dark.
If your birthday has not yet been reached, assume it has if it falls in the current Year.
State any current issue(s) with your health, that may need to be considered while building your training program or if None, leave the default value.
If you're not sure just give your best estimate
Provide the hours available for cycling
Provide the hours available for cycling
Provide the hours available for cycling
Provide the hours available for cycling
Provide the hours available for cycling
Provide the hours available for cycling
Provide the hours available for cycling
Expert-frequently exercising more than twice a week for 10+years. Active-exercises more than twice a week for less than 10years Novice - New to exercising/not currently exercising

Additional information


Silver, Gold, Platinum


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