Perfect bike fit promoting comfort and stability 2022
Perfect bike fit
The perfect bike fit results when properly fitted to your bicycle by using the correct saddle height, fore-aft and cleat position for your body and pedaling style.
You should be:
- comfortable, relaxed and stable with optimized aerodynamics and be able to easily handle changes during your ride.
- you should not be moving around on the saddle especially during hard efforts.
- The saddle should serve a fulcrum supporting you when you apply force to the pedals.
- You should be efficient at low or high cadences.
- There should be no discomfort after rides other than normal muscle aches.
- fully extended with a slight bend in at the rear of your knee at the bottom of the pedal stroke.
- never have your leg locked.
- able to reach your bars in comfort with a slight bend in your elbows
The bike should be:
an extension of your body and should feel like it sits at point in space that meets where your hands, feet and sit bones need it to be.
The brake hoods should be at point on the handlebars that require no extra movement to place your hands on them.
When braking:
- use only the index or the middle finger
- do not move the hand from either the drops or the hoods.
Shift with only the finger closest to the shifter.
- with the ring finger when on the hoods
- with the middle finger when further up the bars.
- Thumb shifters should only be used for shifting up with the thumbs.
Reevaluation Symptoms
You should have your bike fit reevaluated if you experience any pains in Your:
- neck
- shoulder
- elbow
- hands
- feet
- back