Action packed cycling photos
Veloharmony’s images share our varied experiences from all our cycling adventures. These action shots are taken during our various rides in different areas. We ride in different parts of town and with various riders and groups to maintain variety.
We ride to live and we consistently train to keep our fitness levels high. See our cycling vlogs for more exciting images.
- Entering the city limits of Richards, Texas
- staying low…
- refreshments anyone?
- Wet Start
- closing the gap
- keeping the gear rolling
- cheating the wind
- On the Attack
- checkingfortraffic
- All Clear
- The boy are back in town
- where’s the dog?
- getting the gear rolling
- Climbing out of the saddle…
- Changing pedaling postions
- joining the train…
- Part of the train..
- staying under control
- joy of cycling
- warming sun
- four percent grade
- getting up to speed
- What Climb?
- accelerating on a mild climb
- false flat
- track stand
- Viewing Team Velo
- On Gosling approaching Spring Steubner with the Bike Barn
- Warming up at a Grupetto pace
- at the light
- pacing
- dealing with the wind
- Group antics
- In the line
- Moving into the draft
- last day of winter 2022
- sharing a laugh
- adjustments on the fly
- On yet another ride with the fellas
- dressed for the cold
- Honea-Egypt
- closing the gap…
- pulling through…
- leg breaker
- checking out Frankie’s bike
- No aero bars in the pace line
- climbing
- Time to go
- Pulling off
- Camera work
- launchinganattack
- Counter Attack
- let’s get started already..
- All smiles
- selfie
- Approaching Flintridge
- rolling homeward
- Paul rolling along
- rear view
- out of the saddle climbing in a large gear
- cyclists galore
- closing the gap
- Bridging up…
- Paul & Frankie ready to go
- Checking the course
- climbing with Frankie
- Rolling Start
- Cristian and Alain during the announcements
- rolling through the prairie
- taking the lead
- RBC Gran Fondo participants
- last 20Km and yet another hill
- chasing
- Paul and Frankie
- Steady State
- Gosling North
- Staying in the draft
- leaning in
- Staying dry and clean with the SKS Mudguards
- dealing with the wind
- waiting for the bell..
- Checking Frankie’s Seatpost
- Into the north wind…
- Paul leads the echelon
- Paul properly working the echelon…
- Wide cornering line in the wet
- Using the upper body to get through a steep pitch
- wardrobe malfunction…
- Wrapping up yet another ride…
- Slowing for a slippery corner
- On the hoods just rolling
- refilling the tank..
- fightingthewind
- full protection
- pushing down
- Into the wind
- Greeting the mustard man..
- Taking the light
- Reviewing Frankie’s pedal tension
- bridgingup
- 4% climb @30Kph
- Huffsmith Korrville Overpass South (FM 2978)
- staying sheltered
- Alain moves up on the outside
- loosening up
- Paul holding the pace
- Loose saddle
- chatting with Frankie
- Lining up for the Turn
- cornering on John Cooper road north
- shoe adjustment on the fly
- cornering
- cruising
- chilling
- Emmitt Smith is seated in the tent back on my left. This is a premier bike rally in Dallas!
- On to Zion road
- Beautiful..
- Steady she goes
- on top of the gear
- Cruising on Hwy 105
- just a bit to sunshine
- focus
- Cutting the Apex
- Chatting at Speed with Alain
- Pulling the group
- On the attack
- Wet Roll out
- The train..
- Thumbs up
- beautiful skies on a smooth road..if only there wasn’t so much wind…
- dressed for the cold
- Paul Ilunga
- tifosi of Livingston, TX
- it’s on…
- climbing out of the saddle
- Frankie takes over
- Nice shot…
- Playing around
- look out..
- Jose rides back up
- taking the lead
- pulling up into the 2% grade
- on the rivet
- descending with a safe gap
- Good fun at the end of the sprint…
- finding a rhythm
- Late lunch on the go
- staying the course
- Prologue
- Rides over..made it back with more kilometers in the legs..
- Rolling out in the fog
- taking the lead on the climb
- out of the saddle
- drafting
- sharing a laugh…
- Veloharmony kit has me on a roll lately, racking up Strava PR’s. Because the kit fits like a glove when riding into the wind, you don’t feel the drag. The 14th Annual Mineral Wells Crazy Kicker Bike Ride Joe N. Team Veloharmony
- Paul’s on the rivet
- where are the flat roads?
- sitting in…
- Repair Stop
- Closing the gap
- Up to Speed
- What hill?
- Interesting shot
- Paul at the bottom of the stroke
- creative angle
- Photos from Emmitt Smith Gran Fondo 9/30/2017. The kit exceeded my expectations. Joe N. Team Veloharmony
- Pulling through
- Keeping good form while out of the saddle…
- look hands
- Steady he goes….
- forcing the pace inspite of the wind
- Power off after a short effort
- taking the turn at the 4-way branch crossing stop
- Echelon
- A road made for bicycling
- tight line
- loose cleats?
- Pacing
- Reeling him in…
- Foggy & wet
- Frankie forcing the pace on Creekside Green
- Taking my turn at the front.
- rear view
- Coasting in the draft
- Cristian pulls the group on Dabney Bottom Road
- Sitting in
- Cresting the hill
- Rapha Coppi Featherweight Jersey
- Photos from Emmitt Smith Gran Fondo 9/30/2017. The kit exceeded my expectations. Joe N. Team Veloharmony
- adjusting the rear brake
- Grupetto action
- We made it together.
- Bike fit Saddle Test.
- Checking GoPro Battery Status
- Passing..
- Waiting to Start the RBC Gran Fondo
- over the climb
- Leaving Anderson, Texas
- Hugo and Jose visiting from Los Angeles, Frankie in the foreground
- Navigating Spring Steubner road…
- Andy and Mustard..
- Winding up to Speed
- On the rivet
- Echelon
- Ready to go but…more announcements…
- red light?
- handling the grade
- rolling through the corner
- Sandy downhill
- peace
- getting the chain ready to remove rear wheel
- more climbing
- Pactimo Pocket bibs
- Erogonmic balance between man and machine
- Team Velo
- Jose gathering himself after the fall
- The FM2920
- Having a blast….what else is there?
- planningtheroute
- into the wind
- Tight pace line
- finishing the hill out of the saddle
- Time your attacks
- holding the line while looking back
- warming up
- Left Turn
- joyful cycling
- revving the cadence on the first climb
- Slippery when wet
- taking turns
- during the sprint with Robert…
- On the rivet
- warning Sign
- Bridging up on the rivet
- handling 2978
- Cristian pulls off the front on Dabney Bottom Rd
- Rolling
- avoiding braking
- Maintaining the effort
- cornering
- no bad weather just bad gear
- bridging up
- Alain & Paul
- through a protected intersection
- rolling in the drops…
- getting the gear rolling
- handling the grade…
- Checking for traffic
- Cristian rolls by a Hero’s Participant
- Shortening the road
- hmmmm…
- smooth climbing
- chasing Frankie
- Another wet ride
- Climbing with Frankie
- Checking my cleat bolt
- Moving up the line
- cutting the apex
- Top Speed
- loosening up
- Cristian rides on ahead before rest stop 2
- Yet another climb
- Keeping the gear rolling
- keeping it going
- sheltering
- Paul & Frankie cornering at Augusta Pines
- Tackling a 9% Climb
- getting the gear rolling
- spring creek downhill
- ugh…what gives?
- what climb?
- On the move
- dealing with the grade
- pulling the group
- stopping
- rolling through the intersection
- Proper positioning when using the lane
- tacking the climb
- Holding the line
- Warming up
- Leading the pace line
- finishing the climb
- Katie pulling off
- Team Velo handling the cold weather
- twisting the screw
- close proximity
- chatting with Frankie
- hands free adjustment
- strike a pose
- Leaving room for the pace line..
- maurizio pulling off
- Rain??What Rain
- Grupetto warmup
- In the Drops
- hanging in
- powering out of the park
- Hugo hanging in
- cornering at speed
- Pre-lude to Spring Creek Park
- socializing
- looking back without losing the line…
- Finished strong! Picked up my finisher gift pack.
- The gap opens
- checking the rear tire
- Profile of a good fit
- One lane traffic, held up for us….cool beans
- getting to know the hill
- In the pace line
- leverage
- Mustard being himself
- I love this sport
- rolling through
- handling the grade
- rolling out
- Thanking Paul for the pulls
- In the back
- walking the bike up a climb
- bridging up
- Aero and Powerful position
- winds galore…
- Beat the heat…
- AT Speed
- pushing through
- farmer maneuvering to avoid the ditch with his trailer…
- hang in there…
- drafting
- pacing
- time to go after cleat repair
- chatting with Oscar
- out of the saddle display
- Breakfast
- Checking the pace line
- shooting the breeze at old town spring
- damp cold
- planning to pass
- chasing
- Rolling the gear
- sprint begins…
- Where’s the Echelon?
- leaning into Golden Bell Drive
- finishing the climb
- takingthelane
- On the go..
- this is how we roll
- Using hands free to put away the rain cap
- Dabney Bottom Road
- conversational pace
- Cresting 2978 with Frankie
- perservere
- daytimerunninglights
- cinematography
- leading the way up
- Sharing a laugh at the rest stop
- movingthroughthebunch
- Paul I, getting ready to roll out
- Another attack
- getting on top of the gear
- leaning into May valley drive